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Eli Sokal
Press Release
Cloud computing startup Online SoftworX (www.onlinesoftworx.com) recently announced the launch of its dustCut panel optimizer. Little-known outside its industry niche, this classic app is actually a vital tool across a sizable portion of the global industrial base and an excellent example of the benefits of cloud computing. The business problem dustCut solves is as old as the kitchen cabinet: Find the lowest possible labor and material cost to produce a set of rectangular panels. It sounds simple enough, but according to Eli Sokal, founder of Online SoftworX, "It's actually one of the harder IT problems to solve properly, in part because academia offers no text-book solutions." With its dustCut cloud app, Online SoftworX enters a space already known for a number of packaged optimizers dating back to the early eighties. The traditional offerings fall into two main groups, the affordable and the able. Mr. Sokal, who developed one of the 1980's packages himself, believes the majority of optimizer developers fell short in their efforts and opted to release their products at a low price point. Several such optimizers continue to tout "free download" on shareware sites. Meanwhile, those developers that have managed to create robust optimizers continue to earn substantial license fees. But times change, and Online SoftworX is now poised to serve users that need high-end optimization without the high-end license fee. According to Mr. Sokal, "The Online SoftworX mission is to leverage cloud computing and its inherent pay-as-you-go pricing to deliver high-end panel optimization to anyone who needs it."
Press Release
On July 22, 2011, Online SoftworX (OSX) announced the launch of its website www.onlinesoftworx.com. The company's mission is to employ cloud computing and its pay-as-you-go pricing to deliver high-end panel optimization to anyone who needs it. Its guillotine-cut optimizer goes by the name dustCut and offers a long list of free features that users on a budget should appreciate. OSX claims dustCut is engineered to take on the current leaders among non-nested optimizers in a format that requires no software installation or license. dustCut users can input and execute their optimization requests at no charge, producing several free reports along with Premium Plan Details that do require a purchase. But amazingly, the free reports provide all the information users would need to create estimates and bids. And the Premium Plan Details required to actually cut panels are priced well below the savings that the dustCut solutions produce. As such, the OSX pricing model virtually guarantees its customers will enjoy a beneficial relationship. In the near term, the Online SoftworX growth plan consists of these phases.
According to Eli Sokal, the company's CEO, "I built Online SoftworX to host dustCut, our new rectangle cutting optimizer. Sooner or later, dustCut will be recognized as the leading guillotine solution across the range of input types. Our ultimate strategy is to leverage web services to enable solution vendors world-wide to integrate dustCut into their products." |